Monday, November 29, 2010

Christmas Carols

So today we had a reading day in English. As fun as reading sounds, I decided against this and figured that walking to my locker, having a bathroom pit stop and going to play bookworm ( would be my best options. So a friend of mine and I go down to the bathroom, and I walk in and see three middle school girls standing there. They were awkward and one girl stared at me, just sat there and stared and then smiled a braces filled smile. Then the three girls broke out in song, they were singing "The Twelve Days of Christmas" except they were mixing up all the numbers and objects. So there are three singing girls, and then one girl runs out of a stall and begins singing with them, and then another, and then another. And finally, there were like 15 singing middle school girls screwing up "The Twelve Days of Christmas". I stood there unsure of what to do. So I go on, and my friend was like "Uh, I think I'm going to go to my locker", so finally I walk back out, and another girl walks out, and my friend comes back in, and then the 15 singing girls all run out of the bathroom in a clump still singing. The three older, wiser remaining girls stood there unsure what to do. I couldn't even laugh. I was stunned.

Needless to say, that was a weird experience. I mean I understand that some people sing in the shower. I'm not one of those people, but I understand that other people do that. But singing in a public restroom in a large clump, and MESSING up the song. unacceptable little children.

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