Monday, November 8, 2010

facebook in jail?

So I have a friend,we'll call her Bailey, but if you want the names JJ and Harvard could work too. Anyway, so this summer with Bailey and her sister and a guy friend of ours, we go to cookout and meet this guy. He was a little sketch, we'll call him Derrick. So Derrick proceeds to ask for all of our numbers, yeah even the guy friends. So Bailey gives him it, and starts getting random texts and calls to hang out with him. Now let me expain, from the start I have a really bad feeling about him, there was this smile, and these eyes, and they just made me shudder, but it's okay we can all just ignore the bad feelings, because bad feelings are never right. So she tries to set him up with our friend Charlotte, and they are supposed to all go to the pool together one day, but it never happens. So, school starts back up, and Derrick is long forgotten about. However, one day Bailey comes up to me FREAKING out, and telling me how she has been told by a nameless soul from school, that Derrick is in fact in jail for sexual assault of many many people, 14 year old girls, little boys and girls, creepy right? So anyway, after a while, we all forget about this sketchy little event, until Bailey gets a message from Derrick who is supposed to be in JAIL. How the heck does this happen?! So then she is convinced that he must be on the loose right, because he is 19, and in jail, for a crime, and he is ON FACEBOOK?!? So then, we have this other friend. Im running low on creative names, but anyway, AC tells us that in fact there is such thing as facebook in jail because Lil' Wayne had facebook in jail. Now, I'm not sure this is true, hopefully it is or we may need to be a little worried about things like criminals on the loose on facebook. So, there may be facebook in jail, I'm not really sure, personally we're thinking that AC may be wrong, but for the sake of Bailey, pleeeease let there be facebook in jail.

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