Tuesday, September 14, 2010

post #8

True Friends. What does that even mean? I told a friend of mine the other night that I was running out of ideas for things to blog about, and she told me to blog about friendship. We're in high school, friendships can change in a moment, so how do you ever really figure out who your true friends are? I mean, you can be close to a lot of people, have fun when you hang out with them, but true friends, those are the ones who no matter what happens will stand by your side, even if you've done something wrong, they will back you up as they sit there and tell you to make it right, they will visit you when you're sick, or text you just to make sure that you're having a good day. True friends don't have to have a reason for what they do, and they don't expect anything back. They are the friends that you can tell anything to and know that you'll get an honest answer, regardless of what YOU want to hear. They make things about you, put you first, and you do the same, because what would you do without them. They will always be there for you. So friendships are great, they are there for fun, laughs, crazy pictures, but if they fade away, they can simply be replaced by another friendship without really looking back. True friends, can never be replaced, and never will need to be.

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