Monday, March 14, 2011

elephant on toilet..........?

I googled "happy world people" for a blog, because I needed a picture. This would be a picture that popped up on there and to be quite frank I am a little bit confused. Number one, this is an elephant not people. Number two, I don't know why this is happy, I'm just a little disgusted and I am trying to hold back my dinner. And number three, what does this have to do with the world?! So seriously, google has some issues. I mean yeah I guess this could be a potentially cool thing but do we honestly have to mess with every part of nature. I don't know if this is fake or real, but if it is real, I must say that it is pathetic that we feel the need to tamper with human nature. Now I am just angry. Scientists, get a life. This is freakish.

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