Friday, October 15, 2010


Andrew and I went to dinner last night. He had to babysit for friends of their families for an hour, and so I get all the way to his house, and then he tells me that he has to be there for 15 more minutes. So I hung out with Andrews parents. It was cool. So finally Andrew gets home, and we drive all the way to Olive Garden, and get out of the car, and decide that we don't want Olive Garden so we went to Macaroni Grill so we could draw on the tables.

We drew a story:

Once upon a time, there was a little village full of alpacas, and pterodactyls, and  wombats. A King Green Giraffe ruled over the village. But the King was a coward. There also lived a friendly Green Dragon, yet he became tired of the King being such a coward and never protecting his village. So he devised a plan and ransacked the village. He stepped on the clay huts where the alpacas live, and the clay huts where the wombats live, and the metal cages where the pterodactyls live. He even stepped on his bungalow. A turtle got broken in half, and ladybugs were smushed in his rage. But the cowardly King, just hid is his tree castle, surrounded by his fire moat and fiery waterfall. So the dragon shot a fireball at the castle, and the cowardly King died. The Dragon, was exiled, and then a wombat became a courageous King, living in a palace made of the old King's bones. The end.

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