Saturday, October 2, 2010

cold medicines

Cold medicines are really gross. I made a list of reasons and medicines that are gross:

1. Liquid Cold Medicine- this stuff is sick. they don't have any flavors that taste good, they have cherry and grape, and citrus. cherry makes people want to barf, grape is just gross, and citrus burns your throat and has a bad after taste.

2. Chewable Cold Medicine- this is the kind that people say tastses like a starburst,except it doesn't it tastes like crappy cherry or grape or citrus. if your lucky, you get crappy bubblegum.

3. Meltable Zicam- this is the best kind of cold medicine ever, probably just because it works really well and goes away fast and doesn't taste awful. the citrus is awful, but cherry is good because it only tastes bad in the middle, and it doesnt have that bad of an after taste.

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