Wednesday, December 8, 2010

My Dad wants to go back to College...

So the other day, my Dad tells us that he has decided that he is going back to college. He is either going to pursue a better degree in statistics OR he wants to be a truck driver. Now, needless to say he was joking but that is completely beside the point, and so I'm going to ignore that fact and go on with my blogging pretending that he was completely serious. So, personal opinion. If he were going to be a stat whatever they are, that would just be boring. I mean really who wants to sit around doing math all day?! Math sucks, and I'm allowed to say that, because I'm in AP Calc and it sucks. So that is just boring. I googled it, but I couldn't find any statistic jobs other than a Statistician. That sounds gross and it looks gross and it is reeeally hard to spell. So I think that he shouldn't do that one cause I really don't like it and I wouldn't be able to tell people what it was because I don't think that I would be able to say it. I think that it would be supa cool if John (aka my dad) went back to school to be a truck driver. I'm not actually sure if they teach you how to be a truck driver in college, because I don't actually think that you need a college education for that, but if we're still playing pretendsies then we'll say that you can.

If John were to be a truck driver, I think that he should be a truck driver on a TV show, like my friends on the show "Ice Road Truckers" (it's on history channel but don't make fun of me because its really cool I promise - The Ice Road Truckers (Lisa, Hugh, Alex, Jack, Greg, and Ray) have to drive huge 18-wheelers in Alaska. Its crazy ridiculous, and I heard from a little birdy "Oh Lisa, always getting in trouble." This show is suspenseful and exciting and I love it - I've only seen it once in my life- but if my dad were on that show I would watch it all the time because that would be so cool.

(In reality, my Dad is not even going back to school, and I am not actually sure where he got these crazy ideas from. Also, I don't think that it would be very cool for him to be a truck driver because scary things happen to them, but I won't spoil "Ice Road Truckers" for you, so you'll just have to watch it to find out. Also, I do think that the statistics job is boring and kinda weird. No offense to all of you that have that job)

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