Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My car is possessed by demons.

My car has demons pumping thorugh her pipes or whatever the gas runs through in a car. The demons live inside her engine and drink up her gas whenever their feeling extra frisky. Let me explain.

About two or three weeks ago, I was driving. My gas light came on around 270. Uhh problem. Normally the gas light comes on around 300. So anyway,gas light blinks once and turns off, so my mom tells me that I'll be fine to get to school and back. On the way to school my gas light came on at 299. After school, my boyfriend started my car for me because I was afraid there wouldn't be enough gas for it to start well. But it started like a charm and I figured that I would stop at the bank before going home because it is on the way home. Not even .1 miles out of the way, literally I drive right past it. So I go to the bank, I'm feeling happy and relieved to finally be done with what was possibly the worst day of school ever. I get outside hop in the car and of course, just my luck, the stupid thing doesn't start. That demon inhabited beast ran out of gas at THREE HUNDRED and EIGHT miles, 308, are you kidding me?!  That is simply a mere 9 miles after the gas light came on. So while I was busy in the bank, perfectly content with this good mood that was beginning, those demons were drinking up my gas. NOT COOL.

Next tank of gas,

Normally, my lovely car makes it to about 150 miles before it hits the half-tank warning line. But not this tank of gas. The demons must have been feeling extra frisky or something because i hit half tank at SEVENTY. Is that supposed to be a joke or something? Really, like my mom asked if someone was salvaging my gas because this is a freakish problem. Its just the demons though. I had to refill that tank at 152. That is simply a waste of money. Not to mention the stupid car guzzled like 11.5 gallons of gas when i filled it and normally its around 10. Freak car, thats what it is. Not to mention that when I got to the gas station there were at least four cars waiting at every pump except one. I picked that one, smart right? Except not really because the man who drove the banana yellow pickup that was at the pump was nowhere to be found and so that demon car left me sitting there panicking that I was going to run out of gas waiting in line. When the man finally did come out, he stared me down the ENTIRE time he pumped gas which made me so so uncomfortable. Not to mention, I saw him at another random place like two hours later. I was scared for my life. Thank you demons.

Now, I realize that this is an irrational fear. I mean demons possessing my car, how unrealistic? But when they decide they like your car better, I will laugh in your face. For the mean time, I should probably go get gas soon in case the demons decide to drink the rest tonight, sweeeeettt.

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