Wednesday, May 18, 2011

homegirl needs to get it together

So, I was out shopping with my mom earlier and we were both trying on dresses in the dressing room and all of a sudden this voice begins to speak. Now obviously it belonged to a person, and so me, being the nosy person that I’ve always been and love to be, began to listen to this conversation. Now what really caught my attention was when one girl asked the other if the bra looked cute on her. Then they began to go on and on about how they can’t fit into a DD but a D is too small…. Now honey this may be personal, but I don’t have that problem, those would both be massive on me. But then again, that isn’t any more personal than you talking about that with God only knows who listening. Yeah, the creepy guys waiting for their wives outside the door, probably listening. Little children with their moms, probably listening. They kept going on and on about these problems they have, and they returned to a petty conversation about something boring while my mom and I compared dresses, and then just before we left they began to speak again. The  “double d’s are too big but d’s are too small” girl kept talking. She kept saying how weird her boobs were, and the girls were comparing bras, and then she was asking if the bra made her look sexy. So just when I’m starting to think maybe she plays for the other team, the big whammy came. Homegirl goes “I used to wear lacy bras before I had a boyfriend”…. Sweetie, I don’t actually understand the logic behind this one. I’m not quite sure the difference that it makes but that’s okay. So I’ll end with this, be very careful what you say in public places, somethings are never meant to be shared.

Monday, May 16, 2011

where do we go from here?

I’m going to take a brief moment to be blatantly honest. My last day of high school ever is tomorrow. Sure my dad doesn’t believe it because I have two days with one hour long exams, but dad hate to break it to you, I’m done with school tomorrow. I’ve have spent most of my time wishing away my senior year. I wished that I would hear from colleges, make it to prom, make it to field day, make it to all these big senior moments but in the time I have wished away so much time. Now looking back with only one day left, I feel like I have missed out on so many moments. There have been so many times that I picked one thing over another, and now there’s no way to ever get that back. The one thing we will never have any more of, is time, and now that is all I need. I know that this is crucial to my life, I have to move on at some point, but now that it is here I don’t know if I’m ready for it. Its been fun having something to look forward to but moving out, and college, and growing up is a whole lot scarier once it gets here. So, my honest confession would be that I am terrified out of my mind right now. This is a huge step that I just haven’t mentally prepared myself for yet. People expect so much from us now, we’re going to college, we are starting our futures but now that it is here, all I want is for people to be telling me what to do again. I’ve never had a life beside school, I don’t even know where you go from here. I know that it is all God’s plan, he has it worked out for me, but trying to see it from here is terrifying. It can only go up from here though, and the next chapter of my life is only just beginning.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

ayyyeee cute wittle piggy

That is just the cutest little thing I ever did see. I understand that I’m not much of an animal lover and all, but that doesn’t look like a live animal to me, it looks fake. It also reminds me of the movie ‘Babe’ which now that I think about is kind of weird. I mean no offense, but a movie about pigs? Cool. Not really. I think the reason I am so bitter towards the movie probably has to do with the fact that I was forced to watch it in French probably 100 times in like 5 years. And I didn’t understand a word that they were saying. Traumatic. But the pig in its little boots is cute, so I guess I’m a little less bitter towards that stupid movie. But I’m still traumatized. It was a part of my childhood, and I’m haunted by that dumb pig in my sleep. Just kidding.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

cool vids

ps. if the videos going really slow, click on it
When I was sitting in creative writing, supposed to be working on my poetry book I was not. Confession: I was on stumbleupon, and I found this video. So really I was on doing creative writing, just not poetry because I hate poetry and I want it to die. But anyway, I stumbled upon this funny video and a little birdie told me I could reblog the video and so here it is. You may think the monkey is stupid for pulling the dogs tail, but I think it has the right idea. I mean my dogs have little nubs for tails and I still pull those every chance I get for the sheer enjoyment of them turning around to bite me but never quite making it to my hand before I pull away. Stupid dogs need to learn that it happens the same way every time and so they are never going to get me. Just like this dumb thing couldn’t get the monkey. For being man’s best friend, dogs are kinda stupid.

Friday, May 6, 2011

So, I have this obsession with looking at wedding blogs on stumbleupon. It’s not like I’m trying to get married anytime soon or anything, I mean for God’s sake I’m only 17 years old and as fun as being tied down for the rest of my life right now and worrying about fun things like taxes, and china, and babies, I think I’ll pass and wait a few more years. But wedding blogs are so cute. Like seriously the cutest little thing I have ever seen. Every wedding is so different but they are all so creative. A few of my personal favorites:
I love everything about this wedding. It is simple in its own way, but at the same time it is still nice and neat and fancy. I am obsessed with the brides flowers, and the bridesmade flowers, and everything. This was an absolutely adorable wedding.
This one I am obsessed with. It is the cutest wedding I think I have ever seen. When I usually think of weddings I think of them in these nice exquisite places with everything fancy but this one seriously is the most adorable thing. The pictures of this couple in the pumpkin patch are so cute. Everything about this is adorable, the little kids in their vintage clothes, the wildflower bouquets, the bridesmade dresses. I’m in love with this wedding.

Theres plenty more and I’ll add them at some point but these were the only two I could find in my stumbleupon favorites for right now. Weddings are precious, I love them.